IvyBay Consulting
People. Projects. Process.
All three are vital to the success of your business. Too much of one or not enough of another can spell disaster. There is no secret formula to guarantee the balance - you need to tailor the three to match your products and culture. Set them up, give them room to grow and change and you'll find your magic.
We work with businesses to build and perfect all three elements. Look to us for project management education, PMO set-up, project tool evaluation, risk assessment/management, and project management. We help create practical, tailored processes that fit your business and have built in review and growth mechanisms. And we educate and mentor new managers and project managers to keep the people side of the equation front and center.

New Class Through ThoughtLeaders, LLC: Risk Management One Day class!
New Blog Category: Risk Management (See Risky Business, our inaugural post)
New Manager Survival Training: Here's our one page overview
thoughtLeaders, LLC: Kim is now expanding our reach working with thoughtLeaders, LLC to provide classes and consulting. Check them out and be sure to mention us!
New eLearning module: Out of Beta! The first New Manager Survival Guide module: Communication
New eLearning module: Practical Time Management: How NOT to Work 60 Hour Weeks
If you have days like these (click image for video), we can help! You can learn more about the course here.
Podcasts and Articles

Panel Discussion: Enable your Teams to Work Their Own Way
The Digital Project Manager Podcast: How to Make Your Project Management Socially Intelligent
The Digital Project Manager Article: How to Avoid & Survive Catastrophic Project Failure
LinkedIn Article: Running into 'Zoom Fatigue?' Fight Back!
LinkedIn Article: Managing Projects in a Pandemic: With EQ
YouTube: Stuff that Helps: Managing Projects in a Pandemic (The EQ of working from home)
A BOOK! Kim's book, The Socially Intelligent Project Manager: The Soft Skills that Prevent Hard Days is available on Amazon!
Free Stuff!
- If you're a PMI member, you can watch the on-demand version of Kim's webinars Emotional Intelligence for Project Managers (Because One Unhappy Person can Ruin your Beautiful Plan) and Social Intelligence for Project Managers - Cat Herding 101
- Want some advice on herding those cats? (Kim was interviewed by Cornelius Fichtner from The Project Management Podcast at PMI 2019. ) Have a listen!
- Tired of working 60 hour weeks? Check out Kim's interview with Cornelius Fichtner from the Project Manager Podcast.
- Listen to Kim's interview on the PM Podcast from the 2017 PMI conference - on Emotional Intelligence, Chocolate, and Project Management
- Need some team building activities? Tips and guidelines, including some suggestions from Kim's session attendees at PMI Global Conference
- Want some quick tips on project management? Our YouTube Channel is live! Stuff That Helps: Quick Fixes has short videos to get you up and running fast. The whole staff helps out. Check it out here!
- For helpful project management tips every month (or so), sign up for our Helpful Stuff mailing list (just click Here)
- Throwing Skunks and Eating Frogs! On the People and Projects Podcast, (Kim was part of a fun panel discussion - this one is a video podcast.) Take a look/listen
- Interpersonal Skills podcast with Cornelius Fichtner
- PM Podcast with Cornelius from the PMI Global Congress
- Kim on the PM Podcast talking about People-Centered Project Management
- Kim's guest stint on The Stacey Harris podcast.
What We Do
Almost 70% of technology projects fail.*
We help you beat those odds.
Using practical project management, sane project processes, optimal communication for the project and organization, coaching, and education IvyBay Consulting helps you deliver your projects successfully - on time, within budget, to spec and with the level of quality you need.